Empower and Elevate Ltd
​Paying with Childcare Vouchers
E&E Ltd is Ofsted registered, which means we can accept childcare vouchers as payment for our holiday camps.
We have contacted major childcare voucher providers to register our details and once approved, parents will be able to use their vouchers directly. If you cannot find us on your provider’s system, don’t worry, you can still pay using childcare vouchers by following the steps below.
How to Pay with Childcare Vouchers
Check if we are registered with your provider – If you don’t see us listed, let us know, and we can provide our Ofsted registration details (see below).
Log into your childcare voucher account and select the option to make a payment.
Search for "Empower and Elevate Ltd" or enter our Ofsted registration number
Ofsted Registration Number: 2800916
Company Number: 15338477
If we are not registered, you can still make a payment by requesting your provider to add us.
Send your payment to our account through your voucher provider.
Email us at info@empowerandelevate.co.uk with your payment confirmation and child’s booking details.
Once received, we will confirm your booking!​
What If We’re Not Registered with Your Provider?
If we are not yet listed with your provider, you can request them to add Empower and Elevate Ltd as a childcare provider by giving them our Ofsted registration details. We are happy to assist with this process - just get in touch!
Childcare Voucher Provider Contact Details
To make the process easier, here are the contact details for major childcare voucher providers:
Email uk-vbr.enquiries@edenred.com
Phone 0800 247 1233
Email customercare.engage.uk@sodexo.com
Phone 0800 328 411
Email carer@computershare.co.uk
Phone 0345 002 122
Email info@care-4.co.uk
Phone 0870 240 230
Email enquiries@fideliti.co.uk
Phone 0800 288 727
Email info@kiddivouchers.com
Phone 0800 612 015
Fair Care
Email info@faircare.co.uk
Phone 0800 652 745
Enjoy Benefits
Email info@enjoybenefits.co.uk
Phone 0800 781 652
Employers For Childcare
Email hello@employersforchildcare.org
Phone 028 9267 200
Bravo Benefits
Email info@bravobenefits.co.uk
Phone 0330 333 100
For any questions or support with childcare vouchers, contact us at info@empowerandelevate.co.uk